Schedule (Proposed)

时间/Time 内容/Schedule
10月31日/31st October
地点:万豪酒店 1层
Venue: Lyon Marriott Hotel Cité Internationale
11月1日/1st November
开幕式/Opening Ceremony & Keynote Report
地点:万豪酒店 1层 金头会议室
Venue: Golden Head Hall (Salon Tête d'Or)
主持人:国际铝业协会铝土矿和氧化铝可持续发展经理, 卡尔·费曼先生
Host: Mr. Carl Firman, Program Manager of Sustainability (Bauxite & Alumina) IAI
09:30-09:50 1.生态工程在赤泥可持续管理中的应用
Application of Ecological Engineering for the Sustainable Management of Bauxite Residue
Mr. Ronan Courtney, Limerick University, Dean Science & Engineering, Faculty Of Science & Engineering (Dept. Of Biological Sciences)
09:50-10:10 2.2.赤泥综合利用进展
The progress of comprehensive utilization of Bauxite Residue(red mud) 王吉位 中国有色金属工业协会副秘书长,赤泥推进办主任 Mr. Jiwei Wang, Vice Secretary General of CNIA, Director of Red Mud comprehensive Utilization Office
10:10-10:30 3. 彼得-哈维 力拓全球闭矿总裁
Mr. Peter Harvey, Global Head of Closure, Rio Tinto Group,
10:30-10:50 4. 许 峰 中铝股份副总经理、党委委员
Mr. Feng Xu, Vice president, Aluminum Corporation of China Limited (CHALCO)
10:50-11:10 茶歇/Tea break
11:10-12:00 专题报告(一)/Sub-Forum Ⅰ
主持人:中国有色金属工业协会赤泥综合利用推进办公室常务副主任 曾庆猛先生
Host: Mr. Qingmeng Zeng, Deputy Managing Director, Red Mud comprehensive Utilization Office, CNIA
11:10-11:30 5. 赤泥——解决我们的百年难题
Bauxite Residue (BR) – dealing with our 100-year-old conundrum
Mr. Ron Knapp, China Hongqiao Group, Advisor - Office of the Chairman
11:30-12:00 6.赤泥等多固废协同材料化全组分利用理论与实践
Theory and Practice of the Synergistic Utilization of Red Mud and other Industrial Solid Wastes in Materials Preparation
刘晓明 北京科技大学教授
Mr. Xiaoming Liu, Professor, University of Science and Technology Beijing
12:00-13:00 自助午餐/Lunch
13:00-15:00 专题报告(二)/Sub-Forum Ⅱ
主持人:陈少华 中国铝业集团有限公司科技创新部副总经理
Host: Ms. Shaohua Chen, Vice general manager of Science and Technology Innovation Department, CHINALCO
13:00-13:20 7.赤泥的价值评估和再利用
BR residue valorisation and reuse
Mr. Marcelo Montini,Hydro (Brazil), Technical Consultant
13:20-13:40 8.“钙化-转型”技术在拜耳法赤泥消纳中的应用
The Application of "Calcification-Transformation" Technology in Bayer Process Red Mud Digestion
张廷安 东北大学教授
Mr. Tingan Zhang, Professor, Northeastern University
13:40-14:00 9. Reviewing the options for Bauxite Residue Reuse’
Thymis Balomenos,senior consultant to Metlen and assistant professor at the National Technical University of Athens
14:00-14:20 10.赤泥-锰渣协同绿色低碳增值资源转化关键技术与应用
Red Mud - Manganese Slag Synergistic Green Low-Carbon Value-Added Resource Transformation Key Technology and Application
陈忠平 深圳大学教授
Mr. Zhongping Chen, Professor, Shenzhen University
14:20-14:40 11.在水泥中使用改性赤泥的标准
Standard for the use of modified processed bauxites in cements
Mr.Pipat Termkhajornkit, Holcim, Specialist Holcim Innovation Center
14:40-15:00 茶歇/Tea break
15:00-17:00 专题报告(三)/Sub-Forum Ⅲ
主持人:Stephane Poirier力拓集团固废综合利用总监
Host:Mr. Stephane Poirier, Director By-product Valorization, Rio Tinto Group
15:00-15:20 12.赤泥分质利用的研究与实践
Research and Practice on Separate Utilization of Red Mud Components
高建阳 中铝集团首席工程师、教授
Mr. Jianyang Gao, Professor, Chief Engineer of CHINALCO
15:20-15:40 13.在小规模试验中展示赤泥的潜在价值
Demonstrating the valorisation potential of bauxite residue at pilot scale
Mr. Glenn Beersaerts, KU Leuven, Senior Researcher
15:40-16:00 14.中高铁赤泥的利用方案
The Utilization Plan of Medium and High Iron Content in Red Mud
徐昊/杨永亮 云南九州昊成环保科技集团有限公司
Mr. Hao Xu/Mr Yongliang Yang, Yunnan Jiuzhou Haocheng Environmental Technology Group Co., Ltd
16:00-16:20 15. 赤泥中铁铝钪有价元素提取技术研究
Study on recovery technology of iron, aluminum and scandium from red mud
齐利娟 中铝郑州有色金属研究院有限公司副总经理、正高级工程师
Ms. Lijuan Qi, Deputy General Manager, CHINALCO Zhengzhou Nonferrous Metals Research Institute Limited Co., Ltd
16:20-16:40 16. 水泥行业使用赤泥的挑战和机遇。
Review of challenges and opportunities for using bauxite residue in the cement industry.
Diego Rosani, Cement consultant
16:40-17:00 17.会议总结
Summary of the Forum
曾庆猛 中国有色金属工业协会赤泥综合利用推进办公室常务副主任Mr.Qingmeng Zeng, Deputy Managing Director, Red Mud comprehensive Utilization Office, CNIA
The final report title and presenter are subject to the schedule of the day.